From the moment the refs said, “Skaters ready” the Starlettes went out fast and strong, scoring quickly and calling off the jams, the score was quickly 27-2. Ironically, Coach B. Stang predicted that score earlier during warm-ups. B. Stang told us to stay focused and keep going hard as if we were down. Our jammers were unstoppable; they dodged heavy hitters, had high scoring jams, and took fantastic whips. The spectators were excited by the pure athleticism of these ladies. They screamed and hollered for Icepax as she avoided big hits with her fancy foot work. Amazingly, Icepax scored points in every jam that she skated in, ending the night with an impressive 57 points under her belt, Icepax was the top scorer of the night! The fans cheered wildly as Wonder Whoop’em demonstrated speed and agility racing around the track bringing in 55 points for the Starlettes. And the always exciting Dorothy Dangerous was aggressively taking hits and delivering them just as hard as she wore the star on her helmet. While the Starlettes’ jammers dominated during the first half outscoring Inland Empire Derby Divas 101-11, they could not have done it without the help of their strong group of blockers. The blockers avoided the hits of the divas and much to their frustration stuffed their jammer time and time again. B Stang wanted to try something a little different this game and it worked. Without giving away the Starlettes strategy, each blocking line-up was strategically designed to counter many factors. Each pack was designed for strength, endurance, and speed. It showed quickly in the game that the Starlettes were utilizing those three factors and the Inland Empire Derby Divas showed panic as this young team literally skated circles around them.
Don’t let this blog fool you; it was no easy feat for the Starlettes' blockers. IEDD came out with ready to kill attitudes and they did just about everything possible to put the Starlettes on the ground. The size difference alone should have put some fear into this San Diego team. The Inland Empire Divas NEVER LET UP! It was a definite battle for 60 minutes as the “derby marks”, better known as bruises, are only now fading away. San Diego Roller Derby’s 4’11” Supersize’N and IEDD’s 6’2” Fishnet Funeral met each other several times on the track but the tenacity of Supersize’N is bigger than life. As a fan in the audience stated, "I have to say one of my new favorite skaters is Supersize'N... how can you not love that girl, seriously... the whole IEDD bout we kept discussing if there is any legal way to even make contact with her, ha! How do you hit her without hitting above the shoulders or illegally using your legs? It's awesome! And she's tenacious as hell, instant love affair with the fans." It became a family affair when San Diego Roller Derby's Mrs. Brigg’em Down got the pleasure of skating against her big sister Fishnet Funeral. What a treat it was to see those two take out their sister rivalries on each other.
After the game, a fan told us, “I was impressed most with the hitting, you ladies are physical and it is appreciated, you have a good derby mindset, I see a bright future for the SDRD”. With the final score 160-70, the Starlettes came out on top. San Diego Roller Derby would like to thank all you wonderful fans for showing continuing support. The February game was supporting St. Augustine High School in their efforts to raise money for Hogar Infantil La Gloria and is proud to announce that with your help they raised $800 and received a truck load of supplies for the orphanage. Lady Diesel made a trip to the orphanage to deliver supplies and play with the kids on a recent Saturday. She said, “Hogar Infantil is an amazing environment for these children. The staff was wonderful, very structured and the children were amazing. It was a blessing to be able to go play with the kids for the day.” The next SDRD game takes place on April 10, 2010 against the Bakersfield Diamond Divas, 5:30PM at Skateworld. You can pre-purchase your tickets ahead of time at the rink, from your favorite skater, or online at:
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