Half time began with the announcement of the successful MS Society fundraiser (you can still donate!). Every bout, SDRD is dedicated to a worthy charity that has ability to improve the livelihood of those they cater to. This month, SDRD raised enough money to provide well over 20 hours of home care for people with this progressive MS. However, the fight against MS didn’t and shouldn’t end at half time, you can still donate by visiting the main National MS Society Website or by pledging on behalf of SDRD. Every bit counts and makes all of us derby girls smile.
At the start of the second half it was clear the battle wasn’t just

Like so began the second half and the battle of who can get lead jammer status. No one knows what the coaches mentioned to the girls at half time, but whatever it was, both teams came back to fight stronger. Lead jammer seemed to alternate between teams every jam. Although all the Rockettes played a great game, there seemed to be a friendly competition between Berry Nasty, Tutu Tuff, and Berle Scout to see who could knock more girls off their wheels. The same could be said about the Privates own Fugitive, Ms. Hostility, Boarder Bandit and Wyld Wiccan. It was non-stop hits, just ask some of the girls, I’m sure they still feel it!

It was indeed a very successful game. Everything just seemed to work well on that fateful Oct. 9th. This was some of the best refereeing (yes, it’s a real word) I've ever seen, it had some of the best crowd participation ever experienced at our beloved Skateworld, the charity was a great success (again, you can donate here and here) and everyone got a good bout out of it. Life is great. The pressure is now on the SDRD Starlettes to put on a great performance November 13th VS The Prison City Derby Dames, check out the San Diego Roller Derby website for upcoming tickets and info!
Also, don’t forget to check out our friends at Skateworld, San Diego’s one and only skating rink, and sign the petition, write the mayor and city council, check out the blog and join the facebook group to SAVE OUR SKATEWORLD! Please pass it on!