Fran- mother of 2, survivor • Jeanie-wife and mother of 2. (Passed away 2008) • Roy- Father of 9 and Grandfather (1939-1995) • Krystal-mother of two (survivor) • Tracy-wife, mother of two and amazing sister and daughter • Diane - step-sister-in-law, leukemia.(Died 2007) • Cecelia - mother-in-law, lung cancer. (Died 2008) • Jean - foster mom, rare lymphoma (in remission) • Edyth-gradma, breast cancer survivor • CJ-grandpa, colon cancer (died 1986) • Diane (DiDi) – mom. (lost suddenly to cancer this past April) • Chuck- best uncle in the world (in treatment) Bart-friend and father of 3 (gone too soon) • Helen- Grandma • Randi-wife and mother of 2 (breast cancer survivor) • Ruth- Grandma • Grandma Edith • Chuck- daddy, prostate cancer( in remission) • Kathy- Lymphoma (in remission) • Shawn- Ovarian cancer (in remission) • Aunt Joan- breast cancer (in remission) • Ralph- TBirds skater..RIP • Josie- sister..RIP • Danny- TBirds skater...RIP • Terry- lung cancer (in treatment) • Theresa- sister (in remission) • Julia – best friend (in treatment) • Elden- grandpa • Roxanne - mother of 2 (survivor) • Bev - mother of 2 (survivor) • Margy – treatment • Peggy- wife and mother (in treatment) • Megan- mother of 1 (treatment) • Dave- father of 1 (in treatment) • Doug- survivor • Kathleen- Sister in law ,breast cancer (lost her battle) • Tim - brother in law, colon cancer (25 plus years later doing great) • Sherry – friend, had stage 4 breast cancer (survivor of 13 years) • Amanda- niece, lymphoma (remission) • Margaret-niece, ovarian cancer • Andrea- friends daughter (in treatment for leukemia) • Grandfather- prostate cancer (survived) • Bob - Father in Law - still battling cancer going on about 20 years now. (Given 6 months to live about 17 years ago) • Beth-Teacher and mother of 3 (treatment) • Abigail-little girl (survivor) • Linda-Friend (treatment) • Glenda-mother (survivor) • Wanda- mother and friend (survivor) • Stephanie-childhood friend (survivor) • Malta-grandfather (prostate cancer) Janice Holbrook - Mother of 3, Grandma of 2 (Passed 5/15/2006) Alexa Benson Deal - Loving Wife (Passed 7/28/2010) Daniel Asa Deal - Father of two, Vietnam Vet - Still Fighting! • David - father of 2, husband, son - (died from leukemia at 44 years young) • Edward - father of 1, husband of 62 years, grandfather (died from prostate cancer) • Tim - father of 3, husband, brother and son (died from brain cancer at 38) • Kirsten - mother of 3, wife, sister and daughter (died from adrenal carcinoma at 38) • Erika - mother of 3, wife, sister and dauther (died from breast cancer at 32) • Kathryn - mother of 3, grandmother of 6 (died from lung cancer) • Colin - father of 2, husband, brother and son (surviving with brain cancer) • Nancy - beloved daughter, wife, and sister • Dennis - father of 4 • Ruby - Mother of 3, Grandmother of 11 • June - Mother of 4, Grandmother of many • Howard - Father of 5, beloved grandfather • Danielle - Mother of 3, loving wife (survivor) • Denise - Mother of 3 (survivor) • Diane - Mother of 2 (survivor).
These loved ones are the reasons why San Diego Roller Derby (SDRD) has decided to join forces as a team in the Relay for Life event in San Diego this month. Our ladies will be working hard to raise money for cancer research by seeking donations or recruiting friends and family to participate in the relay alongside us as we Fight the Bout Against Cancer. We will lace up our skates at 9am on Saturday August 21st and roll on down to the Embarcadero for the Relay for Life event-derby style!
SDRD’ s Fight the Bout Against Cancer doesn’t stop at the Relay for Life event! We are taking it one step further and chopping off our hair during our August 21st bout against the Mission City Brawlin' Betties! SDRD’s own Lady Diesel, along with Ortega Chile and HR ruf n stuf will be letting Split Endz and Mr. Split Endz cut off their pony tails to donate to Locks of Love. Anyone willing to donate their hair at halftime will be given a free gift certificate for a designer salon cut and style so you don’t have to go around wearing a hat!
Fighting cancer is a team effort. By joining or donating to our team, you will be a part of a life-changing event that gives everyone in the community a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that takes too much.
Please make a donation, or join our team and help us Fight the Bout Against Cancer!
Relay For Life of San Diego Downtown
Aug. 21-22, 2010 - Saturday, 9am & Sunday 9am
Embarcadero North - 831 W. Harbor Dr., San Diego - 92101
San Diego Starlettes vs Mission City Brawlin' Betties
Saturday, August 21st
Skateworld - 6907 Linda Vista Rd., San Diego - 92111
Doors open at 5pm. - Bout starts at 5:30pm
Buy tickets online here!