This win was no gift; it was earned by the sweat, blood and persistence of the Derby Starlettes. The Startlettes arrived early to get used to the floor, a slippery surface which would lead to many falls for both teams. The slick floor, a loud Ventura crowd, and the hypercritical referees contributed to the unfavorable conditions which made this game such a struggle for the Starlettes.
Coach B Stang and Captain Lady Diesel decided long before the bout to switch some things up…. With some changes to the pivot and jammer position, the game began a little questionably. The first half began with a 4 jammer rotation of Lady Diesel, Juno EscareMe, Holley Car Brader and Wonder Whoop’em. The challenge for these jammers was not passing the pack, but staying on their feet. The meekest hit would send them careening to the sidelines. However, Lady Diesel passed solidly through the pack as jammer, a position she rarely plays in a bout. Wonder Whoop’em was fast and furious for her first few jams, despite the slippery floor. Holley and Juno also jammed a solid game maintaining the score closely behind the Derby Darlins.
Juno Escareme and Dorothy Dangerous also took a leadership role as pivot and along with other blockers St. Val Massacre, Red Hot Penni, Velvet Klaw and Mosquito Bandito, helped to keep the Ventura score in check. Rumble Pie was amazing at her first bout after having knee surgery last month. Mrs Brigg’em Down and Supersize’N played liked veterans, though it was the first bout for both skaters.
Despite San Diego’s hard work, Ventura took the lead and held it for the majority of the first half. However, the Starlettes fought their way back in the second half and maintained a 10-20 point lead throughout the second half until the very last jam.
But clearly the excitement of the game was enhanced by the sheer number of players in the penalty box. Even Supersize’N, the nicest player to ever wear skates was thrown into the penalty box. The prize, however, goes to Lady Diesel with her textbook clean hits that sent Derby Darlins to their knees. Lady Diesel was continuously called for major penalties, which made the Ventura crowd cheer while the Starlettes scratched their heads in wonder. After 5 major penalties in the second half, she was ejected from the game. The hostile crowd cheered as she sat with some San Diego Roller Derby fans for the remainder of the game. “I am a veteran player and I should have been able to adjust my game to how the referees were calling. I should have not allowed myself to get ejected”, said the humble Lady Diesel after the game.

Thanks to Ventura County Derby Darlins for hosting the bout!